Import using URLs

Shows how to import data from public or presigned URLs into a Labelbox dataset.

You can use the Python SDK to import individual files using public or presigned URLs. You can upload up to 150,000 individual files in a single operation.

To do so, you need an Labelbox API key and a Python script that lists the URLs you import.

The Labelbox provides convenient tools to simplify the process, including sample scripts customized for the following data types:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Text
  • Tiled imagery
  • Documents (PDFs)
  • Chat (conversational text)
  • Audio
  • HTML

Create import script

To import data using public or pre-signed URLs, you need to create a Python script that includes the names of the files to import. You can use the Labelbox app to handle the initial work:

  1. From the default dataset screen, select Import data from cloud buckets securely.
  2. When the Connection type prompt appears, select Use public URLs, upload files, or import raw text.
  3. Create a new API key by entering a name and selecting the Generate button.
    When you do this, your new API key is added to the script and copied to the Clipboard.
  4. Save a copy of your new API key in a safe location. You can paste from the Clipboard into a secret store. Strictly speaking, this is optional; however, we strongly recommend saving the key before the Clipboard copy is lost or replaced. (You cannot recover lost keys.)
  5. Save and customize the sample Python script for your data.

To learn more about the script and your available options, see: